Do not follow self-destructive behaviors such as drinking, doing drugs, over or under eating. go to therapy or a physiologist, focus on positive self-talk and self-care. push negative people out of your life and be kind to others(it's very rewarding).
remember, paths can vary based off of mental illness that the person is suffering.
<span>Somatic motor commands cerebellum, basal nuclei
</span>Responsible for coordination and feedback control over muscle contractions
<span>Cerebellum - Monitors: Proprioceptive (position) sensations, Visual information from the eyes, vestibular (balance) sensations from inner ear as movements are underway </span>
0.15 percent
BAC is the blood alcohol level in the body, and your body is able to eliminate about 0.15% of the blood alcohol present per hour. When a person consumes alcohol, 10% of the alcohol is lost from breath, sweat and urine. The remaining 90% is metabolized in the body.
The patient has cyanosis
This condition is characterized with a bluish cast on the skin and mucous membranes.