Permanent campaign
Permanent campaign refers to the thin line of office holders being involved in the process of governing and at the same time campaigning too for subsequent terms in office.
This explains why Elise who is a concerned citizen believes that the current president is spending too much time working toward reelection and not enough time governing which means that the change in the president's focus demonstrates the concept of the permanent campaign.
A entrepreneurs
The general condition in which resources are willing and able to produce goods and services but are not engaged in productive activities. While unemployment is most commonly thought of in terms of labor, any of the other factors of production (capital, land, and entrepreneurship) can be unemployed.
Article IV grants powers to federal government while limiting the powers of the states.
3.2 Million
Cultural geographers estimate Native American populations in 1500 c.e. at 3.2 MILLION for the continental United States and another 1.2 million for Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, and Greenland.
Native Americans, also known as American Indians, Indigenous Americans are the indigenous peoples of the United States, except Hawaii and territories of the United States.