the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
A group comparison study
In group comparison study, an experiment compares two groups(the beareaved and nonbeareaved adults in the above study) such as in testing the effects of a treatment where a "comparison group" receives either an alternative treatment or no treatment so that it functions as a source of "counterfactual" causal inference for the purpose of the experiment.


Determine the acceleration
This will be calculated using force formula:

Substitute values for Force and Mass

Divide both sides by 62kg

<em>Hence, the wave boarder accelerates at </em>
Answer: Civil liberties impose limits on the government's ability to interfere in our individual lives
Civil rights are there to ensure that people are treated equally in a country regardless of some of their characteristics such as race, gender or disability.
Civil liberties on the other hand are those basic freedoms that people should have in a country. In the U.S. that includes the Bill of Rights which protects things like: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the right to privacy.
Civil liberties therefore limit the government's ability to interfere in individual lives by guaranteeing the freedom of individuals to live a certain way.
B.charles darwin
Natural Selection, Survival of the fittest favors the “fit” and adaptable to survive in the harsh and hostile environment. Organisms that has a Type 3 survivorship curves has high reproduction rate since it also has greatest mortality rate. And why does natural selection favor these type of organisms is because these organism first-handedly were able to “adapt”. The theories states that organism need to be adaptable to survive hence, their reproductive mechanisms were stimulated and improved with the awareness of the susceptibility and vulnerability of these type of species. <span>