If we didn’t have the bill of rights, the government would find ways to make us pay for our basic rights. For example, if we don’t pay them for life, they will kill us. If we don’t pay them a liberty service fee, they kick us out.
Episodic memory
Episodic memory: In psychology, the term "episodic memory" is referred to as one of the types of long-term memory that encompasses the recollection of particular experiences, events, and situations.
Example: An individuals' memories of going to the first day at school or gym, a girl's first kiss, etc.
Function: It allows an individual to remember or recall personal "past happenings".
In the question above, the given signifies that "Kristin ability to convert the given information into long-term memory is due to the presence of episodic memory".
The colonies depended on Europe because most of the European countries would only allow their colonies to trade with them and became a large manufacturer. Therefore without any other colonies or countries to trade with, the dependence upon Europe began.
I hope I helped you