5 people
4 survivors and the shooter
I am not too sure whether the question calls for some specific answers, but I know two things that the Hindus believe in and the Sihks don't, and I think they will fill in the spaces nicely:
1) rituals
2) Gods! - Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and Sikhism monotheistic.
Involvement in the extremism of terrorist organizations that took place in the September 11th attacks on the united states is the result of group polarization.
Group polarization is a phenomenon of polarizing the attitudes and decisions of individuals member to an extreme level rather than being average. It is primarily about making extreme decisions in the group in order to stay unique and different which proved to be very dangerous for society in the nearby future.
persuasion and comparison are two factors that involve and determine how group polarization works: persuasion states that individuals in the group try to persuade others with the most information supporting it and members in the group compare their views with others or changes in order to fit in or look favorably happened mostly in terrorist organizations.
To learn more about group polarization, follow the below link: