According to Stemberg Pratical intelligence relates to overall success in living.
"The gloves they provide irritate my hands, so I don't use them."
Pregnant women should take some precautions to increase the chances of their baby being born strong and healthy. Among these precautions, we can emphasize the importance of pregnant women staying away from or protected from chemicals. This is because everything that is absorbed by the pregnant woman's body is passed on to her unborn baby, who has a very fragile baby. For this reason, it is necessary that if the pregnant woman needs to stay in a chemical environment, she has to wear all kinds of protective equipment (such as gloves and mask) to ensure holding of the fetus. A pregnant woman who uses the statement "The gloves they provide irritate my hands, so I don't wear them." show that she is not informed enough about the safety of the fetus.
Actually cell can get big but they are smart enough to stay small and live off lots of small food, and there isn't enough food for them to live off of (if this is wrong i apologize)
Serum or seminal fluid is that fluid........
Being resilient means being able to overcome adversity and bounce back from a difficult situation.
Emma is resilient because instead of accepting defeat, she works harder to bounce back and places second in the next swim meet.
Hope that helps. :)