Frogs with deformities that typically include missing limbs, extra limbs, partial limbs, limbs that are bent and contorted, or limbs that have little muscle, are malformed frogs. Most frogs are usually malformed because of the sensitivity to the environmental factors around them while growing out of the tadpole stage
It’s 30 miles away. multiply the reciprocal number so it’s 39
Biomechanical mechanisms, habitat for plants and animals, participates in cycling of all materials used by living things.
Some adaptations are structural. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism like the bill on a bird or the fur on a bear. Other adaptations are behavioral. Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive.
Man Ray Created this piece using the Rayograph. It was considered as abstract art. This type of photography was Surrealism. Meaning it didnt really exist in the world. This picture was created by placing objects on light sensitive film and exposing it with an enlarger. He had exposed his face on one side, then the other.