Conic Sections
a conic section is a curve which is obtained when a surface performs an intersection with a plane. The types of conic sections include hyperbola, parabola and ellipse. A circle can also be considered as a conic section.
Conic Solids on the other hand are the set of points on any segment between a region and a point which is not present in the plane of the base. They are solids with one base.
4140 steel contains 0.4% C having higher yield strength and ultimate strength than the 1045 steel contains 0.45% C
we have given 4140 steel contains 0.4% C
we know here that 4140 steel is low steel alloy , and it have low amount of chromium , manganese etc alloying element
and these elements which are present in 4140 steel they increase yield strength and ultimate strength of steel
while in 1045 steel contains 0.45 % c is plain carbon steel
and it do not contain any alloying element
so that 4140 steel contains 0.4% C having higher yield strength and ultimate strength than the 1045 steel contains 0.45% C
because all websites use coding
Given that the temperature of the window is below the dew point it will condensate.
A psychrometric chart (like the one attached) will give you the information needed. This chart is for 14.696 psia.
On the bottom horizontal axes you have the dry-bulb temperature, in this case 70°F, going up from this point you can reach the 50% relative humidity curve (red point on chart), going horizontally from this point to the 100% relative humidity you get the dew point temperature (the point at which moisture will condensate) (blue point on chart). In this case the dew point is 50°C. Given that the temperature of the window is below the dew point it will condensate.