The answer is: cloth for sheets and other supplies. Reasoning: because of where it says “In particular, the textile mills made most of the fabric used by the armed service, from sheets and blankets to parachutes and tire cords.”
Answer to Which of the following statements best describes how Europeans have changed the land? A. They have built
Answer:slowing of deep ocean circulation, resulting in lower oxygen levels in deep waters
Explanation:ocean circulation is like a conveyor belt which transports warm water and precipitation from the equator e the poles and cold water from the poles to the tropics . This process is crucial in maintaining global climate effectively , it helps with effective radiation control ensuring that the earth surface receives safe radiation.
Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface.
Answer:The Columbian Exchange — the interchange of plants, animals, disease, and technology sparked by Columbus's voyages to the New World — marked a critical point in history. It allowed ecologies and cultures that had previously been separated by oceans to mix in new and unpredictable ways.