A 29-year-old G1P0 woman at 41 weeks gestation presents for a prenatal visit. Her prenatal course is complicated by tobacco abus
e and intermittent prenatal care. Her last visit was at 35 weeks. Prenatal labs are unremarkable except cervical DNA probe positive for Chlamydia, which was treated, and a Pap smear with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Ultrasound at 21 weeks was consistent with gestational age based on her certain regular LMP. Her vitals reveal a blood pressure of 128/76; pulse 74; and temperature 98° F (36.7° C). Fundal height is 39 cm with estimated fetal weight of 2700 gm. Cervix is dilated to 1 cm, 50% effaced, -2 station. What is the next best step in the management of this patient? A. Return visit in one week
B. Non-stress test and assessment of amniotic fluid volume
C. Ultrasound to assess fetal growth
D. Oxytocin challenge test
E. Cesarean section
Environmental cues such as drinking a cup of coffee or finishing a meal can induce a craving for nicotine; these cues are known as pairings. In health, these are foods that go well together. It based on the thinking that there are certain flavors in food that match well with each other.
Priming describes phenomena by which the exposure to different stimuli influence reaction to subsequent stimuli. Priming occurs in an unconscious state.
In the experiments above described, the researchers are studying the effects of PRIMING.
The priming procedure is used in the field of psychology to understand how stimuli influence patient response to following stimuli.
This technique has shown to be very useful for psychologist scientists aimed at understanding the psychology of memory.