A:Binge-watching may improve relationships.
B:it is effective because the author provides several examples of how binge-watching increases social connections and, refers to outside sources.
I am in k12
The Electoral College was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution as an alternative to electing the president by popular vote or by Congress. ... Several weeks after the general election, electors from each state meet in their state capitals and cast their official vote for president and viice president. please give brainliest good luck
Jeśli ćwiczysz w domu, to jest w porządku, ale nie widzę tego pytania
There are several reasons why group problem-solving and decision making is more likely to produce the correct answer than in an individual setting.
One reason is that groups who act in a cooperative manner tend to do better than individuals, who are in a more competitive atmosphere. Group interaction facilitates collaboration, fresh ideas, and improved solutions.
Another reason why groups tend to do better is that a group has a better collective memory than one person does.
Lastly, a group working together can draw upon each other's strengths and talents, making the group more well-rounded and resource rich.
Massachusetts Bay Colony practiced Puritan where the life of the colonist dominated by the church and its beliefs. The communities in the colony united with each other and lived in harmony. Liabilities: The religious leader holds powers in Massachusetts Bay Colony with the right to judge the people and sometimes led in punish the righteous.
Pennsylvania founded by William Penn, in 1681 and became the colony to encourage others to practice religion with no restrictions and persecution. By inviting the Europeans from different places, led the colony to increase wealth. Liabilities: Heresy allowed to grow alongside virtue in Pennsylvania. Religion was a matter of personal opinion.