How to:
It would be O 945 that is the answer
The question is somehow incomplete but the answer is it in
the inferential stage of probability-based inference. It is in
complex networks of codependent variables is an lively theme in statistical
research, encouraged by such varied presentations as predicting, pedigree examination
and troubleshooting.
First, second, third, and fourth are functions
Step-by-step explanation:
Each input in the first, second, third, and fourth only have one output. In the fifth one 3.3 and 6.6 are seen twice as the x-value, so this is incorrect.
(answered this on your other question, but I will put it here too!)
Cada entrada en la primera, segunda, tercera y cuarta tiene solo una salida. En el quinto, 3.3 y 6.6 se ven dos veces como el valor de x, por lo que esto es incorrecto.
(respondí esto en tu otra pregunta, ¡pero también lo pondré aquí!)