Skeletal muscle myosin gene
A microarray assay (also named DNA chip or biochip) is an approach used in molecular biology to detect simultaneously the expression level of hundreds of genes at the single-cell level. First, the complementary DNA (cDNA) sample is obtained from the total RNA sample. Subsequently, the cDNA is cut with restriction endonucleases and fluorophores are attached to them. Finally. the DNA fragments react with complementary known sequences (also known as probes) in order to identify by fluorescence the genes that are expressed in the sample.
Myosin is a superfamily of proteins responsible for generating the muscle contraction force both in animal and human muscle cells. In this case, the probe corresponds to the complementary sequence of the myosin gene, thereby the binding evidenced the expression of the myosin gene in the cDNA sample.
The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord.
Glucose is broken down
The first stage of cellular respiration, called glycolysis, takes place in the cytoplasm. In this step, enzymes split a molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, which releases energy that is transferred to ATP
D. The rest of the country has only evergreen trees, so autumn is much less colorful in those areas.
The deciduous birch forests of the eastern United States have been reducing their territory by anthropic action. Yet in Florida it still persists. In these forests, plants such as birches do not support the harsh winters and that is why they have the strategy of losing their leaves. they start to turn their yellow leaves in the fall season. In other areas of the country where there are coniferous forests, grasslands and grasslands, trees have other strategies and generally have evergreens trees.
The answer is resource
partitioning. Due to competition between the two species population, the
two species evolved to utilize different resources. Therefore, this is rather than competitive exclusion that results to the out-competition
of one species, or competition that results in
a negative interaction between the species.