Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, or pathogens. The name comes from Greek φυτόν (phyton), meaning 'plant'. Some phytochemicals have been used as poisons and others as traditional medicine.
Start with your producers, or plants (grasses, flowers, etc.). Then your 1st level consumers (herbivores), like grasshoppers, mice, etc. Then your second level producers (carnivores and omnivores) that eat the herbivores (like birds). And keep going, knowing each of the levels get eaten by each other. 10% of energy is transferred in each level. An example might be...
Grass > Mice > Hawk > Vulture
it would block the conversion of carbon dioxide to carbonic acid and bicarbonate ions
The thoracic cavity
The thoracic cavity is the anterior ventral body cavity found within the rib cage in the torso. It houses the primary organs of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, such as the heart and lungs, but also includes organs from other systems, such as the esophagus and the thymus gland.