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$15,000 Increase
Calculation to determine what the effect on net income will be :
Effect on net income = (15,000 x $3.50) – ($2.50x 15,000)
Effect on net income = $52,500-$37,500
Effect on net income = $15,000 Increase
Therefore If Bluebird accepts this additional business , the effect on net income will be :$15,000 Increase
Prestige pricing is a unique pricing method involving products which would actually generate less overall profit at lower prices than higher prices. As long as the product is views by the public as being "prestigious," it will be in greater demand at the higher price. If the price were lowered, the public opinion of the product would be lower and the product would be seen as less desirable. This results in the product selling less at the lower price than at the higher price.
Yes, as long as u know the limits :D.
<span>The answer would be this is a monopolistic competition. This is a kind of imperfect rivalry such that many creators sell merchandises that are distinguished from one another (for example, its branding or excellence) and henceforth are not perfect alternatives.</span>