C would be the correct answer
The correct answer is a: High blood pressure.
The word Non - communicable disease refers to the group of disorders or diseases which are non contagious or non infectious .
As non-communicable disease occurs due to genetic , environmental , physiological or lifestyle changes these are not passed from person to person, so these lasts for a longer period of time (chronic diseases) . Examples of these type of conditions are : diabetes , Alzheimer , cancers , asthma or any mental health conditions and respiratory diseases . These diseases can be aggravated by tobacco or cigarette use , unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity ).
For more information on non-communicable diseases :
Using logical reasoning, if they collided front to front the engines would have a chance of implosion. But unless they aren't the same type of vehicle, e.g. a honda civic hitting a honda civic, there wouldn't be as much damage as the same vehicles hitting each other. Unless the counterpart is taking in big trucks aswell, such as a semi hitting a bus, then there would be a mainstreet explosionary blast most likely. But either way both will be messed up BAD.
Can be prevented by eating iron-rich foods.
Anemia is caused by lack of iron in your body.