Arrangement of the actin and Myosin filament
SACROMERE :An elastic membrane which serves for the *arrangement of the actin and myosin filament *
The fasciculi consist of still smaller bundles of elongated, cylindrical muscle cells, the fibre. Each fibre is a syncytium, i. e, has many nuclei. With the aid of an electron microscope, it can be seen that the muscle fibre is made up of smaller units, the myofibrils. Each myofibrils consists of small protein filaments known as *ACTIN and MYOSIN* filaments. The myosin filaments are slightly thicker and make up the darkband(or A-band). The actin filaments make up the light bands(I-band) which are situated on either side of the dark band. The actin filaments are attached to the Z-line.
During the contractions of skeletal muscle, the actin filaments slide inwards between the myosin filaments. Mitochondria provides the energy for this to take place. This action causes the shortening of the sacromeres(Z-lines move closer together, which in turn causes the whole muscle fibre to contract.This can bring shortening of the entire muscle such as biceps, depending on the number of muscle fibres that were stipulated. The contraction of the skeletal muscle is very quick and forceful.
Poultry,honeybees and cattle are very important in the aspect of animal rearing.
To ensure their care,they need to be kept in a clean environment to prevent spread of diseases.
Mostly for poultry and cattle,anyone struck with any virus or disease should be isolated.
They should also be fed properly to avoid emancipation.
Bromothymol blue is an indicator for weak acids and bases.It is used to observe photosynthetic acvtivities and for respiratory indication.
Blue Bromothymol indicator will turn to green then to yellow when CO2 is added.When O2 is added, no effect is noticed in the Blue Bromothymol because Oxygen doesnot affect the pH.
In a summary, the color indication follows;
- Yellow-to indicate acidic
- Green-for neutral solutions
- Blue-for alkaline solutions.
The endoderm gives rise to the nervous system.
Gastrulation is the process that occurs during the third week of embryonic development and includes transformation of embryonic disc with epiblast and hypoblast into a three layered embryonic disc made up of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. These are the three primary germ layers and give rise to various tissues and body organs.
Endoderm of the embryo give rise to epithelial lining of gastrointestinal tract (except the buccal cavity), respiratory tracts and other organs such as gallbladder, liver,etc. Mesoderm forms connective tissues such as bones as well as muscles and peritoneum. All the tissues of nervous system and epidermis of skin are derived from ectoderm.
Answer: living things such as “human beings”, “animals”, “plants”, and “microorganisms”.. Nonliving things do no exhibit any characteristics
Explanation: Nonliving things do not grow,respire, need energy, move, reproduce, evolve, or maintain homeostasis. They are made up of non living materials