Because when inflation levels are stable and moderate, investors have lower expectations of high market returns. Conversely, expectations rise when inflation is high.
AND condition is used when we need to check for the condition in which both the given conditions are satisfied.
Here from the statements provided in the question, it can be observed that the vendor must have offices in both the cities i.e the condition should be followed that the vendor has the office in one city AND the other city.
Balance the relationship between business and society.
Government regulates both society and business.
The government regulates businesses to ensure that the activities of businesses are in the best interest of the society. This is why they regulate monopolies, tax companies that create negative externalities and subsidise the activities of companies that provide positive externality.
Government also has to look out for businesses by ensuring that the amenities and facilities needed for smooth running of business activities are in place. This is why a government may regulate import activities through quotas or tariffs.
I hope my answer helps you.
competitive promotional efforts. retaining loyal customers.
What is promotional efforts?</h3>
Any effort made by a company to communicate with potential customers is considered a promotional activity. Promotional activities serve two primary functions. These are intended to: Customers should be informed about your store's products, prices, and services. Persuade customers to buy your products.
The most common type of marketing is product and service promotion. Advertising - You can advertise your product, service, or brand in newspapers, radio, television, magazines, outdoor signage, and online.
Promotional materials, events, or ideas are intended to increase product or service sales.
The most important function of a promotion is to distinguish a company from its competitors. If there was no competition, no business would ever need to run promotions.
To know more about promotional efforts follow the link:
International Forces
These are international forces which are part of the organization environment in which the organization grows. These rapidly the companies the way it trades in the national and international environment. What do you think if till today a company is still manufacturing ambassador car with the same old technology, will you buy? Of course not because its speed is below 72mph and that it is very uncomfortable and also that young generation don't like it. Furthermore these are the things which are present in the organization environment and need to be tackled by the company by enhancement in its processes and adopting to change. In cold wear dresses that keeps you body temperature in control.