Answer: HPE is a multidisciplinary subject because all the contents related to humans, human health and sound environment come under this subject.
Explanation: In education or academia health, population and environment have different origins but when combined together make a multidisciplinary subject.
Being Exposed to Radiation. Also, being exposed to harmful Toxins.
Social Cognitive Theory
Social Cognitive theory of gender role development, which was developed by Albert Bandura, shows how gender typing and conceptions are developed and created from various experiences and how gender roles and conduct could be shaped through self-regulatory and motivational mechanisms. It looks at ways in which males and females of a society are socialized into masculine and feminine adults, which in turn have effects on the development of an individual.
The praise showered on Harrison is a form of gender reinforcement that rewards the gender appropriate behavior his parents expects from him, according to the social cognitive theory of gender development
The violations can include having a small team suspension or losing loyalty and respect form players, staff, coaches, and peers
concentric contraction causes muscles to shorten, thus making force.