Increasing melanin production.
Good luck! (:
~ Jasmine
Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in gametic cells. In this cell division, one cell is divided into four cells and the chromosome number is reduced to half therefore it is also called reduction division.
During meiosis crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes that allow the exchange of genetic material between them that results in the formation of genetically unique daughter cells.
In spermatogenesis during the first meiosis division, the homologous chromosomes get separated into two daughter cells reducing the chromosome number by half and during second meiotic division sister chromatids separate into two more cells. Therefore four genetically different cells are generated.
In gilled mushrooms, gills are used to maximize spore production. Gills of some mushrooms are folded and crowded to obtain maximum spore production. Other gills, spread towards the outer cap which gives way to new gill growth in between gills which is called partial gill. Some of the mushrooms grow gills in layers too.
A: The stomach is actually J shaped and resembled early wine pouches.
Damage to the occipital lobe will primarily affect her vision
- if one / both lobes, there will be partial or full vision loss
- Inability to recognize familiar or common objects
- May affect her memory and thus recognition
- She may experience hallucination or illusion