months_info = ['January', 'February','March','April', 'May','June', 'July','August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
date = input('Enter a date using the mm/dd/yyyy format ')
m, d, y = date.split('/')
m = int(m) - 1
name_of_month = months_info[m]
print('{} {}, {}'.format(name_of_month, d, y))
- Create a list of all months and store them in the months_info variable.
- Get the date as an input from user and then split the date.
- Finally display the date by following the specific layout using the built-in format method.
Option D is the answer because Digital Certificate is an entity that generates electronic and distributes them upon proving their identity sufficiently. In early days there was issues with people using the certificates that were not even issued by the organizations. Today it's a cryptographic technique which uses digital signatures and gives users a digital certificate that can be authenticated anytime online by any organization and is unique for every user having it.
Option A cannot be the answer because it has nothing to do with the identity of person but rather it is for specific fields.
Option B is not answer because it has no key and score matter to do with it.
Option C Web transactions has nothing to do with the certificates.
The programmer.
The CPU (central processing unit or simply the processor) is the brain of the computer system, it processes data at a very fast rate depending on it's processing speed. But it only relates to speed of data processing and a link between components of the system.
A software is a program code at executes a task in the system. It a logical and follows an algorithm to solve a given task. Computer systems do not generate lines of code by itself, but instead, A programmer writes the code to create the software used by the system.
The term IT infrastructure refer to an enterprise which is basically a collection of various hardware, software, network components, data network and data centers that are being used to do some development, testing related to IT related services. So the major components of IT infrastructure are:
1) Hardware solutions
2) Software Solutions
3) Various Network Component
4) Data Centers
Business Intelligence is basically a technology driven process that is being used analyze various data and the information in more effective and more informed way. The role of business Intelligence is given in following points:
1) Business Intelligence plays a vital role in identifying the technology required for our business.
2) As we knew that Business Intelligence is technology driven, so technology identification is major part that is being done my this process
3) With business Intelligence we chose the best technology required for our business, its help in increasing the profit of the business.
4) We can business Intelligence is the major process that deal with identifying all the technology needs of the business