I am pretty sure that the answer is high-power distance
Foot-in-the-door technique: The foot-in-the-door technique is also referred to as FITD. This technique is defined as an individual making or posing a small request formerly to be able to ask for the bigger request from another person later on.
Example: In the question above, as Jennifer is making a small request for a ride to a nearby store and later on she asked for a ride to the attorney's office.
In other words, this is one of the compliance strategy which is directed towards getting an individual to agree for a big request by having the individual agree to a small request first.
A) Most African Americans in the South remained desperately poor.
It is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
assortment function
According to the different distribution methods and terminology, it seems that Wal-Mart is performing the assortment function in this scenario. This is a process in business in which the company calculates and sends the right amount of product to the stores in order to match the demand that is needed in each of their retail stores. Which is exactly what Wal-Mart is doing.