interest is equal to the product of profit and the year. 5(1000)
Answer: If the choices of this question are a,cy,ex,ic,inter,ful and im, the answer would be "a". Affix is an element that is added to a word to form a new word; it is sometimes classified as prefix and suffix. The affix word "a" is considered as without because it means absence.19
its a quote by jeffrey leon bridges. He is an American actor, singer, and producer.
The following quote states the fact about how life goes some may be perfect and some maynot but each has unique character, those who tries to push their problems they are just trying to run away from their problems as they fear of losing everything they have. people must be courage of their imperfection thats what the authorwants to deliver to every readers of this quote .
I think so. No bs B seems right.
It could be harsh and abusive to a student especially if they are physically and mentally weaker