Entropy is the measure of the amount of disordered in a system.
In 1850, Entropy introduction by the German physicist Rudolf Clausius refers a measurement of the system's thermal energy in unit temperature. It is not for useful work because the work originates from ordered molecular motions. And, this also measures the molecular disturbance or randomness of the system.
The concept behind this provides deep view into spontaneous changes in many everyday phenomena’s. The idea of entropy is a mathematical way of coding an intuitive idea whose processes are impossible, and not violate the basic principle of energy conservation.
The scientific questions here are:
<em>a) How will climate change affect forests</em>
<em>b) How did life on Earth begin</em>
<em>c) Why did dinosaurs go extinct</em>
Scientific question are logical quantifiable questions, whose answers can be measured. A good scientific question must have answers that can be tested by a carefully designed experiment or measurement. Some qualities like "prettiest" and "amazing" cannot be tested for nor are they measurable, and hence, they do not make a testable component of good scientific question.
Chemical energy (calories) is converted by your body walking on the surface into mechanical/kinetic energy
yes ( true)
positive effects on all the body systems.
Water? The sun. I DUNNO I FEEL BAD :(