One advantage of using Cash for all purchases is that Cash <u>is not likely to be subject to Finance Charges</u>
The simplest advantage to paying with cash is the limitation it puts on what you buy. Without a buy-now-pay-later mentality associated with credit cards, you will purchase only items that are affordable, and covered by the cash you have on hand. This way, you never have to worry about buying anything you can't afford at the moment.
(can i have brainliest) Colonialism and Nationalism in Southeast Asia. During the 1500s and 1600s the Europeans were able to take control of the international trade of Asia, thereby diverting the profits from this trade to Europe. As a result, the Europeans became stronger while Asian empires and kingdoms became weaker.
D. Mechanical reaper replaced the scythe.
<span>Who said that people could use reason to become better Christians and to improve the church? B) </span>Desiderius Erasmus
Answer:None,symmetry is not a basic characteristic of life
An living individual exhibit the following criteria of life which are
- Respond to the environment
- Grow and Evolve
- Reproduce and have offspring
- Complex chemistry of body
- Maintain homeostasis
- Built of structures called cells
- Pass on their traits onto their offspring
If these traits are found in any creature then it can be said that it is a form of life.