It is the duty of Congress to have hearings in order to confirm a Supreme Court Justice nominee (as stated in the Constitution). This exclusive power rests on the U.S. Senate. The consensus, however, may be different and may vote against a nominee. Political parties within the Senate generally get in the way of who will vote and who won't, and vice-versa.
For example, Merrick Garland (former President Obama's nominee) was not given a hearing. Furthermore, Congress failed to perform the duties to have a hearing and decide whether to vote or deny a nominee. This is an example of how they refused to even vote on him. This is not the way government should operate.
Examples of "tactics used by investigators in conducting interrogations".
<u>Answer:</u> Option D
Investigators are wise enough to challenge the opposite party from their body language, conversations and behavior, this is actually how they are trained and educated. Questioning also known as "Interrogations" is a kind of tactics used by investigators like military personnel, intelligence officers or the law enforcement officers by interviewing or having conversation with the target of fetching useful data or information.
There are several interrogation methods applied like enhanced suggestibility, double dealing, torture and the use of mind-altering drugs. But at the same point every action is taken under law and order of particular nation to showcase justice from all dimensions.
He gets to trade in his mother for a couple hours due to the corona virus
D. signal, slow, and steer out of traffic and off the road