The Granite is eroded, weathered, and is being transported away. The Granite will then be deposited into a lake or a sea. This could also go to help form a new sedimentary rock.
I used the genetic code table. mRNA codon ===> amino acid
1st base 2nd base 3rd base
A U U ===> Isoleucine
A U C ===> Isoleucine
The point mutation of codon AUU to AUC is a neutral mutation because it neither benefits nor deter the ability of the organism to survive and reproduce.
As you can see, Both codons result to the Isoleucine amino acid.
Another codon that will still result to the Isoleucin amino acid is AUA.
Chemical properties can be determined by heat combustion, how they react with other chemicals, Oxidization (lose electrons, losing hydrogen, gaining oxygen), or toxicity.
E.F. is looking for the lowest possible ratio