The correct answer is - the hippocampus.
Hippocampus is the part of the brain located deep in the temporal lobe that is related to memory and learning abilities. The hippocampus is present in humans and other mammals, two in numbers.
Injuries to the hippocampus will be lead to problems that are associated with a memory like recognition and identifying people or things or the ability to learn things. Direction, locations type of memories would be affected if damaged.
undifferentiated; blood
Hematopoietic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that develop into blood cells.
Specialized cells are the cells though they are similar, but cells differ in size, shape and depending upon their function in body.
Example of specialized cells are: Blood cells, Nerve cells, Reproductive cells.
Tissues are made up of specialized cells, those tissues make up organs, organs make up system and systems make up bodies.
<span><span>A plant that, when self-fertilized, only produces offspring with the same traits.</span></span>