China's social credit system has been compared to Black Mirror, Big Brother and every other dystopian future sci-fi writers can think up. The reality is more complicated — and in some ways, worse.
The idea for social credit came about back in 2007, with projects announced by the government as an opt-in system in 2014. But there's a difference between the official government system and private, corporate versions, though the latter's scoring system that includes shopping habits and friendships is often conflated with the former.
Brits are well accustomed to credit checks: data brokers such as Experian trace the timely manner in which we pay our debts, giving us a score that's used by lenders and mortgage providers. We also have social-style scores, and anyone who has shopped online with eBay has a rating on shipping times and communication, while Uber drivers and passengers both rate each other; if your score falls too far, you're out of luck.
China's social credit system expands that idea to all aspects of life, judging citizens' behaviour and trustworthiness. Caught jaywalking, don't pay a court bill, play your music too loud on the train — you could lose certain rights, such as booking a flight or train ticket. "The idea itself is not a Chinese phenomenon," says Mareike Ohlberg, research associate at the Mercator Institute for China Studies. Nor is the use, and abuse, of aggregated data for analysis of behaviour. "But if [the Chinese system] does come together as envisioned, it would still be something very unique," she says. "It's both unique and part of a global trend."
C. Bulb
Our sense of smell is totally dependent on the olfactory bulb. That's because we can smell things, it is necessary that the chemical substances responsible for the fullness are transported by air to our nose, which captures them and takes them to the responsible cells for receiving electrical signals that take these signals to the glomeruli where the olfactory bulb is located, which is the primary olfactory area of our brain.
The correct answer that shows that American Indians wanted to make peace with European colonists is B. "Being after some time of entertainment and gifts, dismissed, a while after he came again, and 5 more with him, and they brought again all the tools that were stolen away before, and made way for the coming of their great Sachem, called Massasoyt; who, about 4 or 5 days after, came with the chief of his friends and other attendance, with the aforesaid Squanto."
The said excerpt shows that American Indians were trying to make peace with the Europeans because first of all they brough gifts and returned the tools that had been stolen. Moreover, they even brought their Sachem, a paramount chief and returned later with more chiefs. Both actions seem like a reparation of things being stolen in order to soothe the relationship and then bringing their chiefs as a sign of respect to negotiate peace with the colonists.
I run a flower shop that I've sustained for over 10 years now, I enjoy my job as I know a myriad amount of flower definitions and meanings from my youth making me knowledgeable in this field of work. Due to my age catching up, I am currently training a new worker who's not as knowledgeable with flowers as I, but understands enough meanings to work here and is good at understanding what people want despite being quite a naivete and a bit of a pushover always giving the clients what they want. They’re full of ideas and always pioneering new methods and ways to sell the flowers to our customers, yet they're modest about their creative skills.
Today a young man came in to request an assortment of bouquets for a funeral. As I unloaded the new batch of Queen Anne's flowers, I overheard the trainee asking "What type of flowers would you like to be in the bouquet sir" the customer responded with "What flowers would be good for a funeral" unsurprisingly the worker responded knowingly with "Well white papaver is lovely due to their meaning of remembrance and we just received a fresh batch of red spider lilies which express final goodbyes if you'd like those."
The man solemnly asked for a batch showing their stark and bare emotions towards the grim situation showing, after paying the price and departing the employee got straight to work. However, after examining the first bouquet they undid it and completely changed the structure of the look along with adding an extra flower to the blend. It was basically hypocrisy to the original design, and though I grew curious, this was not the first time this had happened within the short amount of time I had worked with them. I knew to let them do as they pleased with the art they created at this point.
The next morning when the same customer came in to pick up the flowers they were shocked to see how they came out compared to what they requested. The employee had made hooped bouquets with the flowers they asked for along with adding a third one. "I hope this will do fine, I just thought this design suited it better" the customer didn't seem displeased which I took as a win, considering the audacity it took to pull a bold scheme for such an important event. "Are those baby's breath flowers," he asked "No" was the response "While having a similar appearance baby's breath, these are Queen Anne's lace expressing healing and I thought they helped to embodied the look I was going for to make them as nice as possible for the mournful occasion, after all, funerals are more for the living and the dead“.
With a heartfelt and mournful stare, he thanked the employee and reached for his wallet to pay for the extra flowers, the worker fused about it being on the house and then proceeded to help carry the hoop bouquets to the customer's car before we both waved goodbye. As we walked back I casually stated "I hope you know you’re paying for those flowers you gave for free" this not being the first time the naive employee had done this, they gave a rushed nod before hurting back to work.
(Hope this is fine, I tried to meet all the marks but you should checked just in case)
The answer is explained below.
Gentrification is defined as the process that renews a determined space in a city by rebuilding it or by giving more modern characteristics to an old or abandoned place.
Some of the advantages are the new job opportunities created through this process; also, more security is felt by citizens and more options for food or transportation are available. Taxes will generate a bigger income for the government, meaning that more things could be done with this money. On the other hand, the cost of living rises as the process continues, so poor people are kicked out of the zone and wealthy people buy the properties and turns them into businesses or fancy houses for them or to rent. Gentrification also excludes low-income individuals and people of color.