data declaration means a variable which contain data value and it can be declared as integer, float, character, double, boolean (data types).
int r;
char name;
float g;
double k= 23.34;
they are not its just that people haven't changed their profile picture. i haven't yet lol
Attenuation means a gradual reduction in the strength of a signal as it moves from station to station which may even cause the receiving station to misinterpret the signal. Any signal can be attenuated - digital or analog.
Attenuation is often caused by weakness, fatigue or passiveness of networking cables and connectors. It could also be caused by noise and long distance.
To get around this, the network device(s) will often resend signals multiple times over just to ensure that at least one of the signals gets there and is interpreted correctly.
If the language is zero indexed:
a[ 33 ]
A 5GL fifth-generation languages a programming language design to solve given problem without programmer. The user only needs to solve the problem and condition without implementing an algorithm.
First Generation Language
The first generation language is called low- level style because they were used at a superficial level of abstraction. First-generation language referred to as the native language.
Second Generation Language
The second-generation language is also low-level language or assembly language. The second level of language uses the concept of mnemonics for the writing program. Symbolic name are used.
Third Generation Language
The third-generation language overcomes the first and second-generation languages. Third generation language is considered as high- level language because the target is to focus on the logic of the program.
Fourth Generation Language
The language of generation required a lot of time and effort that affect programmers.The fourth-generation was developed to reduce the time, cost, and effort.
Fifth Generation Language
The programming language of this generation focuses on constraints programming. The fifth-generation programming languages are Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Network.