total value of the money supply
number of citizens
GDP refers to the Gross Domestic Product. It is the value of the total goods produced and the services provided in monetary terms. It is a summary of the economic activities of a country according to the citizens. GDP per capita is found by dividing the total GDP of the country by the number of citizens living in the country. The increase in the GDP reflects the country's growth in the economy and the downfall in the GDP reflects the decrease in the economic pace of the country.
Extremely important to many newer citizen groups and netroots is "consciousness-raising," which can be included as a SOLIDARITY benefit of group membership.
Gaining new friends and networking opportunities among the group members are examples of solidarity benefits.
Answer: d. staffing U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide.
The United States Department of State is the country's first line in foreign affairs and relations. They engage in actions geared at protecting and advancing American interests around the world as well as actions that contribute to the general well being of the world, all of which are in line with the President's foreign policy.
As the first line of communication with foreign entities, the Department of State maintains and staffs over 250 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide which communicate with not only countries, but with international organisations as well.
Under the <u>communication's assistance for law enforcement act,</u> the Federal Communications Commission responded to appeals from the Justice Department by requiring providers of Internet phone services and broadband services to ensure that their equipment accommodated the use of law enforcement wiretaps.
Answer: Option B
The communication assistance for law enforcement act in short ''CALEA'' , it is also known as the digital telephony act, it is a law passed in 1994. It is an ability of law of enforcement to conduct lawful into section of communication by requiring that telecommunication carriers and manufacturing of telecommunication equipment, facilities and services to build the capabilities for targeted agencies to selectively any telephone traffic.