When might self-fertilization be beneficial for a plant? When there are too many dioecious individuals in a population, self-fer
tilization becomes beneficial for a monoecious individual. When environmental conditions are harsh, such as a plant growing in nutrient-poor conditions, or when herbivores have damaged the plant, plants may self fertilize. When environmental conditions are perfect, plants can afford to self-fertilize. Only plants with perfect flowers are capable of self-fertilization.
Only plants with perfect flowers are capable of self-fertilization.
Self-pollination is the process that allows plants to fertilize themselves. This process is very beneficial when a plantation has plants with few flowers or when the plants are spaced far apart.
However, only plants with perfect flowers can self-fertilize. This is because for self-fertilization to occur, the plant needs to have flowers that present the male and female reproductive organs, which allows the same flower to produce pollen that will be sent to its own ovary. Only perfect flowers have male and female reproductive organs at the same time.
Providing energy. Carbs are a quick source of energy and easily broken down. Lipids are stored energy that can be broken down when needed. Both provide energy but in different ways