There is One electrophilic center in acetyl chloride.
Electrophile is defined as any specie which is electron deficient and is in need of electrons to complete its electron density or octet. The main two types of electrophiles are those species which either contain positive charge (i.e. NO₂⁺, Cl⁺, Br⁺ e.t.c) or partial positive charge like that contained by the sp² hybridized carbon of acetyl chloride shown below in attached picture.
In acetyl chloride the partial positive charge on sp² hybridized carbon is generated due to its direct bonding to highly electronegative elements *with partial negative charge) like oxygen and chlorine, which tend to pull the electron density from carbon atom making it electron deficient and a good electrophile for incoming nucleophile as a center of attack.
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See explanation
Atomic size increases down the group due to the addition of more shells.
As more shells are added and repulsion of inner electrons become more significant, atomic size increases down the group. However, across the period, atomic size decreases due to increase in effective nuclear charge without any increase in the number of shells. This causes increased attraction between the nucleus and the outermost shell thereby decreasing the size of the atom.
Ionization energy decreases down the group because the outermost electron is more shielded by inner electrons making it easier for this outermost electron to be lost. Across the period, ionization energy increases due to increase in effective nuclear charge which makes it more difficult to remove the outermost electron due to increased nuclear attraction.
is a reactant; it is present before the reaction occurs.
In a chemical reaction the chemical formulas written before the arrow are described as reactants as they react together to form products which are written after the arrow.

and HCl are reactants here whereas
are products.
Zinc (Zn) has less than 34 protons, 30 to be exact, and is a transition metal in Group 12. Note: it is also called a "post-transition metal."