Nonvascular plants have no vascular tissue and lack true roots, stems, and leaves. As a result, they must live in moist places to absorb water and nutrients directly from the surrounding environment. They also grow much smaller because they must transfer nutrients from cell to cell. Seedless vascular plants have vascular tissue, so they can live farther away from water and grow much larger. Seedless vascular plants also have true roots, stems, and leaves.
Nonvascular Seedless Plants. Nonvascular seedless plants, as their name implies, lack vascular tissue. Vascular tissue is specialized tissue that transports water, nutrients, and food in plants. As they lack vascular tissue, they also do not have true roots, stems, or leaves.
All living organisms are made of only 20 different aminoacids- this is the correct answer! This means that the genetic code only codes for those 20 aminoacids (for example Glutamine and Lysine). The 20 aminoacids that can form proteins are also called Proteinogenic amino acids.