I'm not too sure,but their has to be a warm up session, a training session, and a cool down.
If Richard’s friend jumps in front of him and scares him, Richard’s sympathetic nervous system will take over and his parasympathetic nervous system will have a lesser role.
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the activation of the flight/fight response. The extensive network of neurons regulates the involuntary processes of the body. Through the autonomic nervous system actions that occur without voluntary control are mediated. For example heart rate. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems complement each other will working.
The correct answer would be, Restrict the other team from doing goal.
Hockey is a game in which there are two teams, each of which consists of 11 players. Both teams have an area where teams have to mark goals. Both teams have their goal keepers in that area. Players play with each other by passing ball to other players of their own team and making it to the goal area of the other team to hit a goal to get a point. So if it seems impossible for a player to attempt a goal then he should at once change his strategy and has to play a game in which he just restricts the players of the other team from scoring a goal. In this way, if he is not able to mark a goal, the other team will also not get a chance to attempt the goal.