With what????????????????????
10 degrees
Step-by-step explanation:
(5x(10))+3=53 degrees
(3x(10))+7=37 degrees
53+37=90 degrees
1. True
2. False
3. True
When ordered for location 1, the values are 34,52,85,86,100 with the median is 85 because it is in the middle of the other values. True
The range of location 2 is from 19 to 65 base don data shown, False
The median for location 2 is (20,29) which is smaller than the 85 for location 1 so location 1 had more participants if based on the median measurement. True
is a factor of a polynomial
is its root.
is a root of 

Since Molly wrapped each fourth separately, she was only wrapping one fourth of a sandwich every time she made a wrap. She claimed that she wrapped 16 whole sandwiches, but she actually only wrapped 16 fourths. This means that she wrapped 4 whole sandwiches, not 16.