It's Like a Puzzle Pieces and that Every Piece Goes together and Holds everything in Place or a Big Clothes Hanger :D You Good?
Phoebus Levene( 1896, Sagor Russia - Septemeber 1940, New York)
These were developed by Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene ,he was a russian who studied medicine, with keen interest in organic chemistry.
He migrated to the US in 1891, and started practising medicine in 1892.Due to his strong interest in research he combined research(1894) in molecular structure of sugars with medical practice,But this was cut short when he contracted tuberculosis.
Between 1896- 1906,he collaborated with many nucleic acids and protein exoperts e.g Albrecht Kossel and Emil Fischer to wok on the structure of DNA.And headed the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.
He works included :the isolation of Nucleotide-monomers of DNA
:the isolation of D-ribose sugar from ribonucleic acid molecule.(RNA)
Discovery of 2-deoxyribonucleic ,
How the components of Nucleotide(phosphate group,sugars, and organic bases) combined to form nucleotide, and how the latter undergo condensation reaction to form DNA.
Sadie's continue use of marijuana will lead to her brain's reduction of the neurotransmitter anandamide which will require her to need more of the marijuana to achieve its effects.
The active ingredient of marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)which is responsible for causing change in the brain.
This activates specific receptors called cannabinoid receptor.This receptors are found in limbic and cerebral cortex region and cerebellum.
As these receptors are located in the brain, the effect of these receptors are also wide spread.In healthy brain, these receptors are activated by a neurotransmitter called as anandamide that have pain relieving effect and also play important function in brain.When THC activates these receptors,causes interference of the normal function.
marijuana also boost another type of neurotransmitter called dopamine after taking the drug.
I would try to contain then kill all the lion fish. i would evaluate it by seeing how many dead lion fish body's i can get out of the water.