A protist
In the given question, the characteristic of an unidentified organism are given which are:
1. The organism is unicellular and autotrophic which means that it is a producer and belongs to a plant like organism.
2. The membrane bound nucleus means that the organism is an eukaryote.
The organism is thus an unicellular, autotrophic and an eukaryote could be a species of algae which is considered a protist. The protists are the organisms which shows characteristic of the ukaryotes but are not considered true plants and animals.
Thus, a protist is correct answer.
Every slice of the bread, contains a number of blister like pores. These blister like pores suggests that the air or some gas might be present there. In case, the bread has no air, the surface of the bread must be smooth rather than rough.
The bread is formed by the fermentation of the sugar molecules present in the dough with the help of yeast. These blisters like structure on the bread is present due to the gas produced during fermentation.
the population is polymorphic.
Polymorphism is the discontinuous genetic variation that leads to the production of varying unique kinds or forms of individuals within the population of an individual species.
Take for instance, allelic polymorphism is seen in the presence of multiple alleles that is produced within the members of an individual species as in peppered moths, human blood groups, and two-spotted ladybugs.
We have different causes of polymorphism: polymorphism can be sustained by an equity among variation developed by new mutations and natural selection. Genetic variation might be due to frequency-dependent selection.
Only after an experiment has been run over and over again to