1. A signal is translated to cause muscle contraction
First blank : Presynaptic cell
Second blank : Postsynaptic cell
Third blank : Neurotransmitters
Just completed the assignment on edge : )
- Two predictors to measure biodiversity: Species Richness and Simpson's Index
- Biodiversity increases ecosystem stability
- It has been shown that natural ecosystems are more stable than monocultures, while isolated human populations are found in highly diverse ecosystems
Two major predictors to measure biodiversity are: 1-species richness and the 2-Simpson's index. The species richness is a count for the total number of the species in a given habitat and/or ecosystem; while Simpson's index is a similarity index that indicates the likelihood that two different individuals selected at random from a sample will belong to the same species, thereby also estimating the biodiversity of a habit and/or ecosystem. Simpson's index takes into consideration the number of species and the abundance of each species. Ecosystems with high diversity tend to be more stable and resilient than ecosystems with low diversity. Biodiversity increases ecosystem stability due to the species asynchrony, which is a strong driver capable of stabilizing multiple processes/functions in the ecosystems over time (e.g., the productivity of the ecosystems over time). In this regard, it has been shown that forests that are highly diverse in the number of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures (i.e., agricultural crops), while isolated human populations live in sustainable ecosystems, it is for that reasons that isolated tribes are only found in highly diverse ecosystems.
option a. streak, pour
The best method to isolate single bacterial colonies is the "streak-plating" method.
The "streak-plate" procedure is used to isolate pure cultures of bacteria or also colonies, from mixed populations by mechanical separation. Millions of cells form a colony, they grow in a cluster on an agar plate. With this method, a mixture of cells is spread over the surface of a agar-based nutrient in a petri dish, that makes that less bacterial cells are deposited at widely separated point on the surface and, after incubation, they develop into colonies.
On the other hand, the best method to count colonies is the pour plate method. It helps to enumerate bacterial cells in a mixed sample, often used to count the number of microorganisms in those samples, which are added to a molten agar medium before its solidification occur. The result is colonies uniformly distributed throughout the solid medium when the appropriate sample dilution is plated.