If the ratio of girls to boys in Mr. Hansen's class is 4:5, and the ratio of girls to boys in Ms. Luna's class is 8:10, then the equation that correctly compares the ratio of both Mr. Hansen's class and Ms. Luna's class are 4/5 = 8/10.
x + 4/3x^3
Step-by-step explanation:
=x+4/3 x^-3
14m+25= G
so, you would plug in how many months the membership would cost.
14(6)= 84
then add the additional fee to join which was $25
84+25= 109

Step-by-step explanation:
By using the cos square identity in trigonometry i.e., cos2ϴ = 1 – sin2 ϴ, we can evaluate the exact value of cos(33 ). For calculating the exact value of cos(∏/6), we have to substitute the value of sin(30°) in the same formula.
cos(30°) = √1 – sin230°
The value of sin30° is 1/2 (Trigonometric Ratios)
cos(30°) = √1 – (1/2)2
cos(30°) = √1 – (1/4)
cos(30°) = √(1 * 4 – 1)/4
cos(30°) = √(4 – 1)/4
cos(30°) = √3/4
Therefore, cos(30°) = √3/2
Answer is: 60x=240