Answer: self-monitoring
What is the self monitoring procedure ?
This is the procedure in which an individual is given an opportunity to control their behaviour in order to ensure that it aligns well with social accepted behaviours.
If a person has a behaviour that has gotten out of hands self-monitoring procedure gives them the ability to ensure that they reduce the effect of this behaviour to atleast minimum or to a level that is acceptable.
Psychologist categorises two types of people when it comes to this procedure there are high self-monitors and low- self monitors.
High self monitors will change their behaviour to please others.
Low-self monitors hold on to their self standards and they remain true to themselves .
So the person who may have a drinking problem will benefit in monitoring a drinking behaviour by monitoring their drinking habits.
Counting the drinks will give them an idea of how much they have drank and that will allow him to monitor his behaviour.
Enslaved people counted in the state population.
The total force (a) is the combination of active and reserve components service chiefs provide, and combatant commanders effectively use to full capability.
In the United States, the total force also comprises the civilian personnel as well as the contractors working for the Department of Defense. This represents about 3 million people. The management of this staff is under the responsibility of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.
Most natural resources, including fossil fuels, are not distributed evenly around the Earth. Deposits of fossil fuels depend on the climate and organisms that lived in that region millions of years ago, and the geological processes that have since taken place.
The correct answer is A and B they are both landlocked