ive answered this
please check your previose question
n =1.5 for glass surface
n = 1 for air
incidence angle = 45°
using Fresnel equation of reflectivity of S and P polarized light

using snell's law to calculate θ t



The method to determine whether a string contains a value that can be converted to a specific data type before it is converted to that data type
The Java string includes () method to check whether a particular sequence of character is the part of given sub string or not.
One string contain another string in Java or not.
The indexof() to check the string and substring in java
Hence java string include () method to check whether a string contains a value that can be converted to a specific data type before it is converted to that data type
“a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted or reflected.” Meaning multiple light rays or heat (and other forms of radiation) are all being refracted or reflecting to a certain point
Before the skydiver opens the parachute, his velocity would be increasing greatly as much as 9.8 m/s². Opening the parachute would increase the surface area to which air may cause resistance. The skydiver then reaches his terminal velocity.