~686newtons on earth and
~1617 newtons on jupiter
the formula is weight = gravitational acceleration * mass of the object
The weight of the car is equal to,
m is the mass of car
g is the acceleration due to gravity
The normal or vertical component of the force is, 
The horizontal component of the force is, 
Taking ratio of equation (1) and (2) as :


Hence, this is the required solution.
1) Mass that needs to be converted at 100% efficiency is 0.3504 kg
2) Mass that needs to be converted at 30% efficiency is 1.168 kg
By the principle of mass energy equivalence we have

'E' is the energy produced
'm' is the mass consumed
'c' is the velocity of light in free space
Now the energy produced by the reactor in 1 year equals

Thus the mass that is covertred at 100% efficiency is

Part 2)
At 30% efficiency the mass converted equals

No acceleration.
If the forces are Balanced it means they are in equilibrium and there will be no net force, therefore the object will not accelerate and the velocity will remain constant.
Using your periodic table if you look at it 3-11 are tansition metals so the horizontal Group Number will help if the group number has to digits just remove the one so if it were to be 13, the valence would be 3, if it were 14 the valence would be ,4 if it were 15, the valence would be 5, if it were 16 the valence would be 6, if it were 17 the valence would be 7 if it were group 18 the valence would be 8 so if anymore help needed to explain hit me up