It means that religion will never meddle with running the nation, and it can't figure out who's chosen for specific positions and who isn't. For instance, they can't dismiss qualified possibility for having distinctive religious convictions.
The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a proviso inside Article VI, Clause 3. By its plain terms, no administrative officeholder or worker can be required to cling to or acknowledge a specific religion or tenet as an essential to holding a bureaucratic office or a national government work. It promptly pursues a provision requiring all government and state officers to take a pledge or attestation to help the Constitution. This statement contains the main express reference to religion in the first seven articles of the U.S. Constitution.
Italy's economy historically struggled due to poor unification between regions, with sicily and venetia, for example, having incredibly different economies that are minimally connected. furthermore, children would usually work the same jobs as their parents, leading to low social mobility and occupations of new jobs. in the future, italy's economy can improve with better unification and public education. cooperation between different industries across regions would be highly beneficial.