Answer: Phony War was a name for the early months of World War II. It was used by journalists to describe the six month period which no land was undertaken by the Allies or the Germans.
4) the Bill of Rights included specific rights for people.
Though the Constitution stated natural rights would be protected and there were limitations on the government, nothing was stated specifically. Those supporting the Bill of Rights were fearful that without specifically stated rights, the government would eventually strip people of their rights.
The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments is the Constitution and were passed after the Constitution was passed. The amendments spell out specific rights citizens have and the government is required to protect.
Fayolism is the principle formulated by Henri Fayol.
Henri Fayol is the founder of the management school. The five points that Fayol described are planning , then organising, then co - ordination , then commanding and after that controlling. In his administrative theory he described division of work as well as division of labor, authority - the manager must have the power to give orders, another factor was discipline -employee shall always maintain the discipline in an organisation and follow all the orders that are given by the manager.
The main aim of the organisation shall be to earn profit. There shall be a cordial relationship between the manager and the employee.