The Depression was a good preparation for WWII-Americans had learned to scrimp and persevere. It took more than 6,000 people to provide food, equipment, medical services, and transportation to 8,000 soldiers. In addition, many raw materials, such as rubber, manila fiber, and oil, were in short supply. Nevertheless, Americans rose to the occasion. When FDR called for the production of 50,000 planes in a year, it was thought to be ridiculous. By 1944, the country was producing 96,000 a year. Technology blossomed.
The term Yuppie came on the scene as a slang in 1980's. The term was initially used for the young people that were rich, but were also bragging about it, were usually not rich because of their own capabilities, wore high fashion clothing, and drove expensive, new cars. In general, the common people despised them because of their undeserved success and way of behavior. As the time passe on, the term has gradually lost its derogatory meaning, and nowadays is used for describing affluent professionals.
The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865, between the North and the South. The Civil War began primarily as a result of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of black people
What war is the USA entering?
The one political party that holds all the power in China is the "Communist" party, since although China has implemented many capitalist reforms, it still remains a communist state.