When the Feds sells bond in open market, it INCREASE the money supply.
If the Feds want to decrease the money supply in THE ECONOMY, it can INCREASE the reserve requirements.
When the Feds increases the interest rate it pays on reserve, the money supply will DECREASE.
When Fomc decrease it target for the federal funds rate, the money supply will INCREASE.
When Citibank repays a loan it had previously taken from the Feds, it DECREASES the money supply.
a. Bill
c. Vendor Credits
d. Bill Payments
QuickBooks Online is an accounting software that has millions of users most of whom are medium and small time businesses. It is very useful in ensuring that the needs of even novices in accounting are taken care of.
In the Accounts Payable Aging detail report, QuickBooks online includes Bills which gives a list of vendors purchased from. It includes Vendor credits which shows the vendors owed and the payment terms of the debt and Bill payments which show the history of payments both owed and already made to certain vendors.