A change of the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA segment is called a mutation. This could change whether certain proteins are made that support the body or not.
It would change the nucleotide sequence of the transcribed mRNA
During the process of transcription, a DNA template is used to synthesize a mRNA molecule. The nucleotides in the DNA molecule undergo a complementary base pairing to form the nucleotides on the mRNA. This means that the order of sequence on the DNA determines the order of sequence on the mRNA.
In a case where the nucleotide sequence of a DNA segment changes in the process of MUTATION, the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA strand will also change. For example, if sequence: ATT on the DNA produces UAA on the mRNA, a change to AAT on the DNA will cause the mRNA sequence to change to UUA.
Water is warmed by the sun and is evaporated. It is then cooled down and condensed. Finally, it is brought back to Earth in the form of water droplets (Rain)
I hope it helps!^^ May the power of unicorns be with you!