Division means sharing an item equally. A fraction has two parts - a numerator and a denominator. ... Dividing fractions is almost the same as multiplying them. For the division of fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (inverse) of the second fraction.
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Step-by-step explanation:
3 (k-12) = k-30
3k - 36 = k - 30
3k - k = -30 + 36
2k = 6
k = 3
To solve for x, you first add 5 to both sides so it remains equal.
3 + x = 2
Then you simply subtract 3 on both sides.
x = -1
Substitute your solution into the equation and see it is true.
|3+(-1)) - 5 = -3
The equation is true, therefore your answer is: x = -1