The missing word is things.
However, the real question is how one material can serve so many purposes? That is what makes it possible for the spiders web to have a high "utility" value?
The answer is in how the spiders make the silk.
So it interesting to note that spiders do not make only one kind of silk. They vary depending on what purpose it's doing serve.
The most common type is Dragline Silk.
Dragline Silk: This contains spidroins. Spidroins fall under a category of a protein called scleroproteins. Because of its composition, a strand or fiber of Dragline has the same tensile strength as steel albeit more flexible. That is if one produced steel the diameter of a spider's silk, and compared both for strength, the silk will be stronger.
The spider produces Dragline silk in its silk glands where they are as viscous as a paste. From here is pulled out or extruded into lines of silk.
Other types of spider silk are:
- Capture-spiral silk. Also known as the Flagelliform, they are used for securing lines of the web. They are adhesive, very elastic, and possess high tensile strength.
- Tubiliform silk: They are also called Cylindriform. Its main use is for the protection of spider eggs. It is used to make a sac for which protects eggs. This type of silk is the toughest.
- Aciniform silk: For preserving fresh prey.
- Minor-ampullate silk: This type is used by spiders for creating temporary support while they are spinning a web. Etc.
Answer: Traditionally in medicine, a vector is an organism that does not cause disease itself but which spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. Species of mosquito, for example, serve as vectors for the deadly disease Malaria. A vector is a living organism that transmits an infectious agent from an infected animal to a human or another animal. Vectors are frequently arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, flies, fleas and lice. brainliest
Heat is then the by-product of the light energy from the Sun flowing through the biosphere. Organisms are inevitably dependent on sunlight to perform essential biological processes in order to sustain life. In the absence of this energy, all the organisms on Earth would die.
Son procesos naturales que reciclan elementos en diferentes formas químicas desde el medio ambiente hacia los organismos, y luego a la inversa. Agua, carbón, oxígeno, nitrógeno, fósforo y otros elementos recorren estos ciclos, conectando los componentes vivos y no vivos de la Tierra
Chlorophyll A, and B.
Chlorophyll is known as the green pigment which is present in plants. Through the process of photosynthesis, It helps to convert solar light into useful energy. They have light absorption properties, so they are known as photoreceptors. Mainly two types of Chlorophyll are present in plants:
Chlorophyll A: It Is known as the primary photosynthetic pigment and has the ability to absorbs red, blue, and violet lights. Chlorophyll A is the location of the photochemical processes and can absorb light which is needed for the process of photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll B: It mainly helps to absorb blue light which is utilized to fill out the absorption of chlorophyll A it means it helps to supply additional light energy to chlorophyll A. It is known as the accessory pigment.